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David Aanensen

Director of the Centre for Genomic Pathogen Surveillance

Emily Adams

Senior Diagnostics Scientist

David Bonsall

Group Leader and PI

Miles Carroll

Professor of Emerging Viruses

David Clifton

Professor of Clinical Machine Learning

Derrick Crook

Professor of Microbiology

Christl Donnelly

Head of Department, Professor of Applied Statistics

Christophe Fraser


Sarah Gilbert

Said Professorship of Vaccinology (DBE)

Thomas Hale

Associate Professor in Public Policy (Global Public Policy)

Mark Harrison

Professor of the History of Medicine

Peter Horby

Moh Family Foundation Professor of Emerging Infections and Global Health

E. Yvonne Jones

The Sir Andrew McMichael Professor of Structural Immunology

Patricia Kingori

Professor of Global Health Ethics

Paul Klenerman

Sidney Truelove Professor of Gastroenterology

Moritz Kraemer

Associate Professor of Computational and Genomic Epidemiology

Teresa Lambe

Calleva Head of Vaccine Immunology

Katrina Lythgoe

Group Leader

Melinda Mills

Nuffield Professor of Sociology, Director Leverhulme Centre for Demographic ...

Catherine (Sassy) Molyneux

Professor of Global Health

Alice Norton

Lead of PSI Policy and Practice Research Group

Michael Parker

Ethox Centre Director and Professor of Bioethics

Sir Andrew Pollard

Ashall Professor of Infection & Immunity

Nick Provine

Wellcome Career Development Fellow

Oliver Pybus

Professor of Evolution & Infectious Disease

David Stuart

Professor of Structural Biology